Feedback for my SPA template

Viewed 23

I post this though it seems to be a silent forum.

I have a desktop application that is developed using a "framework". After every upgrade I have experienced that my application is more or less "broken" from UI to more serious bugs. Every upgrade has created a bunch of extra maintenance problems.

New philosophy based on my bad experience
Suffering from not being able to fix the problems that my "framework" has created with every upgrade, I am now trying to work without frameworks and as few external libraries as possible.

So what is the purpose of this post?
I have now created a template or foundation using Go based on this new philosophy. This template is as vanilla and pure as possible. One single main.html as base. Every other "page" is injected into this main.html. Reducing flickering, increasing speed etc. But less suitable for SEO.

Feedback wanted...
This template is still a work in progress, so I want some feedback for further improvement. Navigation? Responsiveness? Theming (settings)? Or whatever...

My vanilla SPA template

Thank you in advance!

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